



Street & Road Department

Street and Road Department 


The City of Eddyville Street Department is responsible for maintaining streets, storm sewers, and the maintenance and beautification of public properties. Other services performed by the street department include snow and litter removal, maintenance of all drainage systems, as well as pick up of leaf and limbs on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.  

Should you have questions or concerns regarding the City of Eddyville’s streets and roads, please contact Eddyville City Hall at (270) 388-2226.   


Travis Cobb 

Public Works Director 


Tino Drish-Young 

Street Laborer 


Wil Joiner 

Street Laborer 


Eddyville Street Department 

455 Sewer Plant Road 

Eddyville, KY 42038 

Phone (270) 388-2226 

Photo of people working in the yard
Photo of a truck and a trailer with lawn mowers getting ready to do public work
Photo of a public worker
Photo of a public worker with tools